Friday, June 6, 2008

We're a hit!

Forum is now open and the crowds are loving it. And I'm having SO much fun! The show gang continues to get tighter on and off stage. I'm going to enjoy the heck out of the next few days. (Left to right in the photo of "Everybody Ought to Have A Maid": me, Kilty Reidy, James Brennan, Charles Parker. Photo by Mark Reeves.)

We had a tornado warning yesterday. Ironically I had just spoken with Mom earlier in the day and she told me that if I were in my room I should get in the bathtub and cover myself with a mattress. I also thought I might chain myself to a pipe like Bill Paxton in Twister. Instead we moseyed over to the theatre early and chilled in the bunker. I hear that Century II is one of the safest spots in all of Wichita during a twister. Anyway, the storm fizzled out and we only lost a couple hundred hesitant audience members for the evening show. The only other setback was losing internet connection until just a few minutes ago when the cable dude dropped by to reset the router. Now we're good to go!

So I'm sitting here working on my closing project for Forum and watching some MadTV. Can't wait to get to the theatre for another trip to ancient Rome. Take care, all! Peace and love.

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