Monday, July 28, 2008

New piece & ComicCon 2008...

Hi all! First off, here is a new piece I've done. This educational show, by Rocco Natale, tackles the topic of smoking in a humorous and inventive way. It will tour New York public schools starting soon. I've also posted it on my website. (Click here to get to my "Illustrative Design" page and click on "Recent Work.") If you haven't checked it out in a while, you might take a gander at the new look of the Squigs' Ink site. I'm still feeling good about that accomplishment.

I returned last night from a trip to San Diego to attend a couple days of ComicCon 2008. It was my first time. Now I know that I'm pretty much a geek when it comes to a lot of things. I embrace that. But I was still secretly happy to know that my geekiness is a rather mild case compared to some others. This was mostly made evident by the insane costumes. I thought about posting some photos, but the one I really wanted to post might prompt you all to think I was insensitive to weight-challenged crocheters. Anyway... I really enjoyed myself and walked my feet off. I really loved experiencing the panel discussions, the huge studio displays, and the random personalities sitting for autographs (Elvira, Richard Hatch, and Lou Ferrigno anyone?). But I think my favorite section was the small press area where artists showed off their own work. There was some really amazing stuff and I got a few ideas for how I might be able to put my own pen to use. Really fun weekend.

In other news, I'm going to be taking part in a reading of a new musical next month. Vrooom! is loosely based on Viva Las Vegas and I'll be playing Cardoc, one of the harmony-singing Grease Monkeys. Should be fun. Well, that's all for now. Take care, all! Peace and love.

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