Friday, July 18, 2008

[new sketch]

Remember when I said I was happy to have nothing popping up to keep me from the final stages of my website redesign work? Well, something popped up as I was nearing completion. But this time I was so glad it did. My Wichita Forum cohort Ed Watts' girlfriend Heidi and friends were headed for the Broadway opening of their show [title of show] and Ed wanted to commemorate it with a sketch. We came up with this (see upper right). The sketch included many tributes – to the [tos] family, show references, fans (tossers), gifts received, celebrity visitors, and inside jokes – and I hear the presentation went over very well.

AND I was able to finish the website to boot. This was in thanks primarily to my Vista family, the Breners, who hosted me on a little surprise drop-in working vacation. Thanks, Nancy and Aaron! I owe you!

There's more art on the horizon too. I have a couple of logo projects in the works and some other "back-burner" projects making their way onto the desk. So keep an eye out. Take care, y'all! Peace and love.

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