Thursday, December 4, 2008

Another glimpse backstage...

Plaid Tidings is rockin' along quite nicely. I'm finally feeling like I'm beating the cold that hit me towards the end of last week. And this brings to mind another opportunity to share a peek backstage at – drumroll! – bodily fluids and functions. There are certain types of the aforementioned that shouldn't be witnessed (at least in excess) by those attending a shiny, happy holiday show. I'll break it down...

1. Mucus: I've been dealing with this quite a bit lately because of the cold, and like all folks who regularly make use of their voice, I have my cures... some sort of medicine containing guaifenesin (Mucinex, etc. which "thins the mucus and makes coughs more productive"), lots of warm liquids (tea), and significant sleep. Still, the cures aren't always totally successful so there may be an occasional (or ubiquitous) blob on the vocal cords one has to "sing around." It makes things interesting, sometimes resulting in not-so-pretty sounds.

2. Sweat: I've always been a rather heavy sweater... a somewhat fluffy, Cosby-type. Ha. Seriously, I sometimes sweat through heavy costumes. Attractive, I know. But I'm not alone. In Plaid Tidings, even with as relatively fit some of these guys are, we are usually drenched by the end of the show. This is partially because we work so hard, and also the theatre is sometimes kept a bit warmer than we might be comfy with. But we try to keep things in check with our own personal sweat-mopping hankies and towels stashed off-stage. Still, it becomes a lesson in Zen-type concentration when there's a bead of sweat slowly trickling down the nostril and it would be distracting to dab it.

3. Spit: It's par for the course when you sit in the front row at a concert or show that you may be occasionally spattered with singer spit. It's definitely not something we're purposely doing, but it happens. Sometimes I feel that between the spit and the sweat, that folks in the front row should be provided with Gallagher-type tarps.

4. Flatulence: Don't be too incredibly appalled. Everyone does it. In the theatre, we generally have enough control to hold it until safely away from the audiences or fellow cast members. The one time I knowingly broke the "fourth wall" (with my wind) was back in 1996 at the Candlelight Pavilion Dinner Theatre. Right at the edge of the stage, I jerked suddenly in a bit of staging and... totally grossed out a teenage girl who hadn't quite finished her dessert. I was mortified (likely more than the girl). That was an isolated incident, though. As things typically go, we're mostly concerned with avoiding offending fellow cast members. At the Plaid show, we have a policy giving a nod to A.A. Milne (or Disney or Loggins & Messina)... If we have to take care o' business, we go to a corner or remote bathroom set aside for that purpose which we call "Pooh Corner."

So that's a little glamorous peek behind the scenes. The next time I share a little sneaky peek, I'll pick a topic that's a bit more elegant.

This week has been lovely so far. The day off was great – hanging with friends, strolls around Balboa Park (see photo) and La Jolla, some good food, and a really amazing sight in the sky... a lovely crescent moon and two bright planets. Last night, Paul and Humphrey and I caught the amazing Tuck & Patti at a jazz club in San Diego. And our audiences at the show have been growing like crazy. The holiday season feels like it's really here. It's a beautiful thing. And now I need to jump in the shower so I can go do two shows. Take care, all! Peace and love.

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