Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I'm moving.

I've been gradually getting the word out, but boy do I know a lot of people! I'm so incredibly grateful for so many wonderful folks in my life, but it's a daunting task to get important info disseminated to everybody in a personal way. So while it's a little less than classy, I've been using Facebook and here I am on the blog.

I'm moving to New York City. It's a change I've contemplated for quite a few years, but as the artwork gets stronger word of mouth and more opportunities reveal themselves, it seems as though it's about time to focus my energies on and in the Broadway community. It also might be a good and adventurous thing to broaden the audition net. It's an adventure and there are so many possibilities.

So... I'm thrilled that work will gradually catapult me eastward. My friend Roger Bean has offered me a part in his Route 66 at Milwaukee Repertory Theatre. February 2nd, I'll drive to Oregon to leave the car with my folks and then I'll fly to Milwaukee to begin rehearsals on February 9th. The show opens March 6th and closes on May 9th, and then my stuff and I will land in NYC.

Change is hard. I've got my apprehension and worries. I don't know where I'll be living in NY, and I don't know entirely how I'll be making a living. But then I realize I have three months and many resources to find a place, and there are so many possibilities already in the works for paying the rent. Whenever I think of how much I have to worry about, I remind myself how resourceful I am and that I'm not alone. I have so many angels on my side. Change is good.

So here's a random sampling of some of the things on my immense to-do list this month:
• Packing boxes to ship to Milwaukee.
• Packing boxes to store with the folks.
• Packing boxes and bags of donations to Goodwill.
• Packing suitcases for the flight to Milwaukee.
• Learning how to erase the hard drives of two old computers I'm donating.
• Finding the easiest and cheapest way to shred old files.
• Learning the guitar I'm supposed to play in Route 66.
• Learning the music for one last reading I'll be taking part in on February 1st.
• Meeting up with folks to say "goodbye for now."
• Getting ahead on my weekly art postings and commissions.
And much more. Lots to do!

And, boy, I'm going to miss my LA peeps! I've been in California for almost twenty years which is longer than I lived in the state in which I was born and raised. It's a wonderful thing that the internet has made the world so small. And I've got to keep reminding myself that it's just as easy to fly back to the west coast as it has been to visit the east coast. There are so many folks I treasure here. Some of the e-mails and calls I've already received have been so amazing. And I received an anonymous piece of mail today that included a free pass to the Huntington Library and Gardens and a note that said, "Thought you might enjoy an afternoon of sunshine and flowers before you head east." Wow! I'm so grateful for this chapter as I move on to a new one.

So best wishes of peace and love go out to you all in 2010. There's adventure to be had out there. Go find some!

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