Wednesday, January 13, 2010


There's something that's incredibly exhilarating about weeding through old files and getting rid of clothes not being used any more. And a second look at collections of books and DVDs and CDs and art supplies allows the seldom-used to find better homes. It's a good thing to purge the belongings occasionally, and if this were just a periodic downsizing, I'd be nothing but thrilled at my proactiveness. But this purge comes attached to the end of a chapter. I'm very proud of this chapter and I'm excited about the new chapter, but the transition is a little sad. I find that the time I've allotted to putting stuff in boxes is the time I most want to spend time on Facebook or drive around the neighborhood or even take a road trip. I'm getting a little blue about leaving my stomping grounds of almost twenty years. But it's time to make a change. And I don't need to purge my friends. They're all coming with me. Okay... just in my mind's eye and my heart (and via e-mail and Facebook and the phone), but they're coming with me all the same. Where's that roll of tape?

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